Review of the Intuition and Sound Reflexology Workshop

May 29, 2008by Helen Perkins

There was a wonderful response by reflexologists to this workshop. I think many, like myself arrived full of expectation and a little bit nervous about the sound element of the course.

Helen, the tutor being a very receptive and warm person was very quick to put everyone at ease about the concepts of the workshop including the application of sound. She emphasised the most valuable tools we have for this work is our intuition and guidance – ‘trusting your intuition is the key’. Helen is very keen we should continue to develop this side of our healing skills, as this conveys to the therapist what is needed for healing and balance of the client.

At one point Helen demonstrated the use of sound healing on me using the shoulder reflex on the hand. Immediately I felt the vibration of the sound travelling up my arm into my shoulder. The pain which I had been experiencing in my arm disappeared in an instant.

Before we began the practical sound session Helen had us standing up and singing from the Sound of Music ‘Doe a Deer’ to warm up our vocal chords! She illustrated how when singing or humming a certain note and pitch, those sounds resonate in our body.
Throughout the practical work everyone was able to experience the value of using sound healing over the reflex points, around the feet and the energy field.

Helen further complemented the application of sound by showing the group how to incorporate colour and crystals into our treatment. Each of these elements help to change the vibration of the reflex and so assist the healing process for the client.

By the end of the weekend, which was a very lively and interactive workshop, everyone had lost their inhibitions, some had made new friends and all had enjoyed experiencing this new tool. Many of us were pondering who we could use this with and I think all agreed that the first would be a well established client who was open to all aspects of the therapist tool box!
Looking forward to part 3!

Helen Perkins

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