The wonder of life is everywhere from the cry of the newborn to a leaf falling from a tree, from the beautiful coral of the Great Barrie Reef to a bone mending in a broken leg. In its uniqueness lies the mystery of how it all works and fits together.
This life force, ‘prana’ in the Indian tradition and ‘chi’ in Chinese medicine is an invisible field of energy that exists inside and around all living things including us. In quiet contemplation or absorbed in a task where they are at ease, many people report a sense of peace and fulfilment.
When Helen is quiet, on her own or working, she clears her mind and concentrates completely on the moment. She ‘senses’ with greater purpose and calls this her intuition. This unique workshop is designed to help therapists achieve a similar level of understanding and self-awareness, enhancing their own practice by recognising when and how intuition may be applied.
Also open to non-professionals, Your Intuitive Self can be ongoing if needed, and tailored for special interests with exercises and activities until participants feel confident in their practice.