Helping hands across the coronavirus divide

April 24, 2020by Helen Perkins


Supporting our clients has presented a real challenge as complementary therapists are forced to stay at home and close their clinics during the coronavirus lockdown.

Our primary aim is always to ease pain and relieve stress and one way in which some of us have been able to maintain service is through the practice of ‘remote’ Bowen. My own experience stems from having lived and worked in Australia for many years – the home of Bowen Therapy – since when I have performed many such sessions.

While this option will not suit everyone, it might work for some until hands-on practice is once again available. For myself, the current situation has seen growing demand, from existing and new clients, while generating debate among the wider Bowen community. I hope sharing my thoughts will prompt feedback from colleagues and clients alike.

Below are some tips to help both therapist and client prepare for a remote treatment. You can either imagine the client lying on the couch ( if you wish, prepare a dummy using pillows and towels) or set up a video call via Skype or FaceTime to see the client at the other end. Zoom is a third option although time may be limited.


  • Arrange the appointment for a time when you are unlikely to be tired or interrupted in any way
  • Allow 30-45 minutes for treatment, writing-up notes and clearing the space, which should be the same space/room where you would normally work
  • Remote Bowen is very much about intelligence, intention and intuition so empty your mind and ‘tune in’ to the client and their needs.
  • Imagine or view the person and trust your intuition to decide the first set of procedures. A particularly sensitive therapist may also sense a visual clue or become aware of an area where treatment is required.
  • Because this is not real time, pauses in between moves may be shorter or longer. Move around the couch as if you would normally, mime the actions and moves as your instinct guides. Speak out loud to cut the imaginary connection between yourselves to end the session.
  • Concentration is vital and you may need a break afterwards to re-energise.


  • Lie or sit in a comfortable position in a quiet room and ensure no interruptions
  • Allow one hour for treatment and rest
  • Keep an open mind and release all negative or worrying thoughts
  • You may feel a tingling sensation, warm or cold spreading through certain parts of the body – as with a physical treatment
  • Depending on the presenting symptoms (physical ailments or emotional stress) you may feel very tired afterwards or full of positivity
  • Drink a long glass of water; benefits may be immediate or take up to three days to be felt

A follow-up consultation by telephone or video call should be arranged to explain the therapist’s conclusions, identify any areas that need further attention and set up another appointment if needed.

Christine reported as follows:

“I had two sessions of distant Bowen and both times felt the energy of the treatment. The second resulted in my head, shoulders and neck becoming very warm. Neck tightness has disappeared, and I can now move my neck freely.”

I hope this has been helpful and do please get in touch if you have questions or just want to chat to brighten up isolation!

Helen x


Helen Perkins

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Copyright by Helen Mary Perkins 2024. All rights reserved.

Copyright by Helen Mary Perkins 2024. All rights reserved.