Introduction to Bowen Technique

A weekly or day workshop designed to provide insight into this little-understood therapy to better understand how it works and the kind of conditions that might benefit. A mixture of theory and practical work, the course is suitable for beginners and for non-therapists – it does not qualify you to use the technique in professional practice.

The course covers the history of the Bowen Technique, practical hands-on experience, structures of the body that are treated and the body’s response to light touch.

By the end of the course you should be able to explain how the Bowen Technique works, perform some simple Bowen moves and understand how the Bowen Technique can be safely applied. This introductory workshop is suitable for beginners and for non-professionals.
Thanks so much for such an interesting six weeks at the City Lit! It's been a really great experience for me.

Natalie Rozario, London

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Copyright by Helen Mary Perkins 2023. All rights reserved.

Copyright by Helen Mary Perkins 2023. All rights reserved.