Helen is UK and Europe distributor for a range of natural wellness products that she first discovered while living in Australia. Developed originally for use by Bowen therapists, these award-winning products are now also widely used by reflexologists, physiotherapists and other complementary practitioners who recognise their benefits.
Bexters crystals and Bowtech Ease are natural, safe, effective and environmentally friendly. They can be used as part of clinical treatment or at home. Many therapists have created an additional income stream by retailing them to clients.
Our online shop makes it quick and easy to place an order. For product features, benefits and user testimonials please go to our website Bowen Supplies.
Bowtech Ease
An Ayurvedic aromatherapy blend of essential oils to relieve bunions and other painful joints. Equally effective natural remedy for everyday ailments such as hay fever, chilblains, scratches, grazes and even insect bites.
Bexters Soda Crystals
Their unique ability to draw-off fluid and so reduce painful swelling has proven highly effective in post-surgery rehabilitation or recovery from accident, injury or over-exertion. Treatment of choice for athletes and sports professionals to accelerate recovery after intensive training or performance. Can be used in bath or with purpose-designed applicator wrap.
Bexters Bath Crystals
Reformulated from the original soda crystals with additional Epsom salts, plus essential oil of peppermint, for the ultimate bath experience. A rejuvenating muscle soak to relieve all-over aches and pains; can be used in bath or foot spa.
NOTE: Not suitable for use with applicator wrap