
2021-22 Cambridgeshire Prestige Awards Supplier of the Year – Health and Wellness Products

Service excellence often determines how and where customers shop, according to the judges who awarded us this accolade. In reaching their decision, the panel recognised not only the quality and ‘thoughtfulness’ of the products but also the effort that Helen and her team put in to meet four service principles:

  • Personalised/tailored service * customer experience * advice and support * accessibility and responsiveness

Thank you to all our customers and professional colleagues for your support and encouragement, and for your understanding if things occasionally don’t go to plan!

2019: UK Health Radio Finalist: Outstanding Contribution Award

Making a ‘demonstrable difference or significant impact’… Helen was recognised for her achievement in pioneering specialist training for Bowen therapists in palliative care. Now seen as a benchmark for similar courses, Helen teaches therapists from around the country and overseas enabling more patients to benefit whether being cared for at home, in hospital or hospice.

2019 Janey Loves Platinum Awards Bexters Soda Crystals: Joint and Muscle Care (Health and Wellness)

A second award (see 2015 below) from Janey Lee Grace who celebrates the very best of natural health and beauty in her annual awards programme. Author, broadcaster and renowned ‘green’ champion Janey’s eco credentials give added strength to brands whose quality and commitment meet her high standards. Our award for joint and muscle care specifically recognises Bexters’ unique ability to draw off fluid and so reduce swelling when used with our purpose-designed applicator wrap.

2017: Lux International Best Bowen Therapy Training Provider (UK)

This personal recognition for Helen was a welcome surprise as she had no idea she had been nominated. The award reflects her commitment to training new therapists in the Bowen Technique as well as her achievement in developing a specialist training course for Bowen therapists wishing to work in palliative care.

2017 Lux International Bowtech Ease: Best Health and Wellness Product

Lux International is a glossy lifestyle journal whose awards programme seeks out people, products and places offering a unique service to a discerning audience. Bowtech Ease was praised as a natural aromatherapy oil that relieves pain and inflammation of bunions and other joints while also benefitting a range of everyday ailments.

2015: Holistic Therapist Magazine Bowtech Ease: Star Product of the Year (runner-up)
Helen receives her award from editor Jayson Firminger

This industry magazine aims to educate, inform and inspire those studying and working in the field of holistic and complementary therapy. This award recognised Helen’s achievement in developing a handy 10ml rollerball version of Bowtech Ease making it easier for people to use at home. Until then, the larger bottles with dropper had been aimed at the professional sector. The rollerball offers good value and ease of use for a variety of ailments as well as relief of bunions and other joint pain.


2015: Janey Loves Platinum Awards Bowtech Ease: Best Footcare

Part of Janey’s selection process involved asking her mum to test the claim that Bowtech Ease relieves the pain and inflammation of bunions! This Ayurvedic aromatherapy oil was first developed by a Bowen practitioner and instructor in Australia to assist mobility around the big toe and has been described by one user as her ‘magic potion’.

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Copyright by Helen Mary Perkins 2024. All rights reserved.

Copyright by Helen Mary Perkins 2024. All rights reserved.